If you’re like me, then the first thing that comes to mind when you think “autumn” isn’t flowers or birds or butterflies. Nope, it’s home decorating! I love all things cozy and cute, and this time of year is the perfect opportunity for me to put those tastes into action without going overboard with pumpkins and goblins. So today we’re talking about Fall Decorating Ideas for the Fireplace – Tips for Arranging Your Fall Mantle Decor. You’ll also want to make your space feel welcoming without taking away from its ability to function as a fireplace.

It’s the perfect time of year to show off your style with fall decorating ideas that look good and still make your house feel like a home.

The leaves are changing colors, the air is crisp, and the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. People love going out to the pumpkin patch, picking apples from trees, going for long walks, and enjoying the beautiful scenery around them. It’s also prime time for fall decorating ideas that are simple, easy to do, and in tune with the natural world. More than any other season, people want to bring the beauty of autumn into their homes by way of decorations.

Spicing things up a bit for Halloween

Create beautiful, welcoming spaces with these simple mantel decorating ideas.

The mantel is the perfect place to add some beautiful greenery and fall decor. If fresh greenery or berry stems are not in abundance, you can use faux floral stems as well. The nice thing about that is you can change them up and reuse them again next year.

  • Add some greenery or berry stems by placing a few stems in a vase on the mantle, or create your own arrangement using fall leaves and twigs as filler.
  • Scarecrows, pumpkins, bird figurines, or bunches of sunflowers an elegant look that will last all season long!
  • Wall hangings. Mirrors, or Art looks great above a mantle.
  • Candles and Candleholders not only look good but add warmth and personality to a room when used.
  • Antique dishes, Pottery, Family photos … all great fall decorating ideas

Our Mantle is a Great Place to Give Thanks over the Thanksgiving Season

Where to look for your Fall Home Decor

The first place to look for spring home decor is your own home. Look around and see what you already have that could be used as part of an autumn display. For example, if you have a collection of decorative bowls or vases that are just sitting in the cupboard or on top of the refrigerator, they would make great additions to your mantle display! If there’s something special about these items that makes them worth keeping (maybe they’re antique), then consider adding them to your new mantle arrangement as well.

Another great place to look for inspiration is at flea markets and thrift stores where there are often lots of unique pieces available at reasonable prices–just keep in mind what will work best with your existing decor before purchasing anything too outlandish!

How to Place the Objects on the Mantle or Fireplace

Group the objects together. The items on your mantle should be grouped in a way that makes sense, so you don’t end up with a jumbled mess of stuff that doesn’t look good together. When creating a group or vignette, remember that it’s best to group 3 items together. (always an odd number)

Vary height, texture, and shape for visual interest! If you have multiple objects with similar dimensions but different colors or textures (such as glass vases), try placing them next to each other instead of directly across from each other so they don’t compete too much with one another visually (and make sure there’s enough room between each object).

When you are done, the mantle should appear balanced. This does not mean if you place candle holders on one end of the mantle, you have to put matching candles at the other end. It means if the highest decor on one end is 2 feet, then the highest decor on the other end should approx be 2 feet as well. If you have a grouping on the left side, you might want to have a grouping on the right.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our article, Fall Decorating Ideas for the Fireplace – Tips for Arranging Your Fall Mantle Decor. Decorating a mantle can be tricky because you want it to look nice but not too overwhelming. However, if you follow these tips and tricks we promise that your home will be on trend this fall! We’d love to hear your comments so if you have suggestions, like the post, or just want to say hi, the comment box is on the right-hand side. Also, I’ve placed a few Pinterest Pins below. If you like this post, please share them with your Pinterest Friends.

Until next time … Joy

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