Dream Big, Set Goals, Make it Happen

As I sit in front of the TV, pen to paper, I ponder where the next year is going to take me.  I started with a dream.  I am an artist ( Joy Skinner ) and wanted to incorporate my work with home design and decor.  They are related to each other so this made sense to me.  Throughout this post, I’m going to take you through the thought process that led to this blog creation and how we got started with “Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action: A Guide to Completing Home Renos”

As I sit in front of the TV, pen to paper, I ponder where the next year is going to take me.  I started with a dream.  I am an artist ( Joy Skinner ) and wanted to incorporate my work with home design and decor.  They are related to each other so this made sense to me. 

I spent weeks thinking about how this might happen and then jumped into the waters.  Setting up Facebook was the first step, next Instagram and Pinterest, followed by an online store (www.thecollabusa.com).  There has been a huge learning curve every single step of the way, but there’s something to be said for that right? And, what better time to have an enormous dream than during Covid when activities were at a standstill anyway.  I actually lean pretty heavily on the mantra “Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action”, so on to the next and possibly final step in this process.  It’s time for a Blog! 

Welcome to My 1st Blog Post!

All Comments are welcome and if you have any suggestions on things you’d like to read about or know more about with respect to Art, Home Design, and Decor, PLEASE send them my way. Heck, I’d love to hear from you even if you don’t have suggestions. There is a comment section at the end of this page.

Now back to that pondering, I think it’s only fitting that my 1st post is about the dream and making it happen.  A big dream is a powerful idea and different people have different dreams.  We all have a secret, or maybe not-so-secret, wish list of things that we desire in life. It could range from something as simple as wanting to get a new comforter for your bed, wishing to make a new flower bed in the front yard, to things like renovating the living room, building a new sunroom on the back of your house, or maybe even buying your first home.

We can safely define a big dream as being a substantial wish or an aspiration for something, and attaining it would fulfill or satisfy an inner longing or desire.

“A Big Dream is a Bold Vision of the Future”

When I think about dreaming big, two very powerful women come to mind …

J.K. Rowling said of the time when she wrote the first “Harry Potter” book that she was as poor as someone could be in modern Britain without being homeless, her marriage had imploded, she had a daughter to care for, and all she had was hope, a big idea, and a typewriter.  Failure didn’t break her, it helped her discover who she was.  Today she is a self-made Billionaire, the first and only ever person who made a Billion dollars as an author. 

Oprah Winfrey grew up in poverty. At the age of 14 she was sexually abused, ran away from home, and had a baby who died soon after birth. Her first boss told her she wouldn’t make it on television because she was too emotional.  She started her own TV show and it became the highest-ranking TV show in America.

So why, you might ask am I talking about JK Rowling and Oprah Winfrey in a Home Decor Blog Post?  Well, because we all have dreams, there are only a few who follow through with them.  That’s where Setting Goals and Taking Action come into play.  Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action is applicable to all aspects of life, whether that be a school project, getting ready for a big event, or changing things up in your home.

So here we go … “Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action!”

Write down your dream!  Post it on Facebook!  Share it with the world! Doing those things only makes it easier to see the dream to fruition.

Set Goals

Write down your goal for this year.  If it’s a super big dream, set a goal for each of the next 3 years.  Break each large goal down into Monthly Goals, and then each Monthly Goal into Weekly goals, followed by daily goals if needed.  We call this taking baby steps.  How do you reach your end goal?  One step at a time!

Take Action

Here’s the kicker – You can’t just write out goals and expect fireworks.  You actually have to take action!  Start small,  take those baby steps, and block off time each and every day!  DO IT!

Throughout this post, I’ve shared with you a few of my Favorite Little Things from our store.  Please if you haven’t already, go to the store and let me know what your favorite things are. 

I’m really glad I jumped into that lake.  The water was mighty cold and I didn’t have a lot of company, but I’ve learned SO much and met some pretty neat people along the way. 

If you enjoyed our 1st post, Dream Big, Set Goals, Take Action: A Guide to Completing Home Renos, let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear from you.

Until next time ……




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