#65 The Swing, also known as Springtime by Pierre-Auguste CotThe Swing, also known as Springtime was painted by Cot in 1873. The painting was first exhibited at the 1873 Paris salon, where it was well received; the work would go on to become Cot’s most successful work of art, and was often copied in other mediums. In terms of the painting itself, Cot’s work depicts a young couple locked in an embrace on a swing amid a forest or garden. The two are wearing classical garb, and are seemingly enthralled by each other, described by one source as “drunken with first love”
This painting is an art reproduction of the original 19 Century painting. It is perfect for home decoration or gift-giving. Please send your inquiry to us if interested. Each painting reproduction will be done by an experienced and talented artist, totally hand painted with eco-friendly oil paints on canvas.
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