#42 Champ de Mars: The Red Tower by Robert Delaunay
Robert Delaunay was four years old when the Eiffel Tower was erected in Paris in the public green space known as the Champ de Mars. One of many artists to depict the landmark, Delaunay did a series of Eiffel Tower paintings, of which the Art Institute’s example is among the best known. The artist infused the dynamism of modern life into this image by employing multiple viewpoints, rhythmic fragmentation of form, and strong color contrasts. Delaunay accented the structure’s towering presence by framing it with tall buildings and placing smaller, shorter buildings, seen from above, at its base. The top of the tower seems to soar, its massive structure augmented by winglike clouds and patches of light-filled sky.
This painting is an art reproduction of the original 19 Century painting. It is perfect for home decoration or gift-giving. Please send your inquiry to us if interested. Each painting reproduction will be done by an experienced and talented artist, totally hand painted with eco-friendly oil paints on canvas.
All oil painting reproductions can be customized with various options of sizes and frames. Art recreation is also offered for oil paintings if you would like to change technique, style, or colors. Let us help you bring this masterpiece to your life!